Sunday, June 17, 2012

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

A UPS combines all the functions of  surge  protector and power conditioner also provide backup power to your system in power failure. An UPS includes a battery and an inverter which will be used to bring backup power. There are two main types of UPS available,

Off-line UPS
The primary circuit is the house AC current circuit with an in line surge suppressor and filter.
A comparatively small amount of the current flows to the secondary circuit to keep the battery charged in case it is ever needed. When the AC current falls, the UPS switches from the primary to the secondary circuit and the battery provides the power, which is converted from DC to AC before it leaves the UPS.

On-line UPS
Uses the battery powered circuit as the primary circuit, instead of the AC circuit, as shown in the figure below. The AC circuit is the only used if the battery powered circuit registers any error conditions caused by failure of some component in the circuit. When the AC current fails, automatically   the primary circuit continues to be the battery powered circuit. The only disadvantage is the loss of battery charge.

A line interactive UPS is another variety of the standby UPS. Line interactive UPSs provide like Shorten the switching time by always keeping the inverter working, so that there is no charging-up time for the inverter. An inverter is converts DC to AC. During usual process, the inverter filters the electricity and charges the battery by converting AC to DC (exactly, it is operating as a rectifier at this time and not as an inverter). During power failure, the inverter switches roles and starting to convert the battery’s DC to AC. The delay for the inverter to control roles is shorter than the delay for a standby UPS. Others good line conditioning since there is an automatic voltage regulator called the buck- boost feature. During spikes in electrical power, the regular decreases or bucks the voltage and boosts it during brownouts. Provides a boost aspect that means a line interactive UPS does not need to draw on battery power to take action to a brownout, as does a true standby UPS.


  1. I agree that a UPS combines all the functions of surge protector and power conditioner also provide backup power to your system in power failure. Here in the Philippines, Panther offers the best UPS.

  2. UPS's are a necessity for a majority of companies today. System failures can kill a business even if down for only a few hours. My company (a pharma company) is currently using UPS's from Switchon.Eaton. Check them out today.
